Category Archives: Dynamics CRM

Lock/Unlock Composite fields using Java Script in Dynamics CRM

Traditionally we use the following way to lock or unlock the fields programmatically, Xrm.Page.getControl(fieldname).setDisabled(true/false); But there could be some cases where we would need to lock/unlock the composite fields programmatically. For example, consider the following scenario, Suppose that we are populating the Bill To address on Quote as the address of the customer selected on… Read More »

Exporting Data from Dynamics CRM using SSIS

Introduction: We have often had sync requests projects where we need to write data from CRM to flat files. Our option until now had been to either Develop a Windows service, that polls at regular intervals to writes the file Develop a Windows app and using the windows task scheduler to schedule to run at… Read More »

Price List selection logic available starting Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 1

Introduction Traditionally Price List in any of the transactions like Opportunities, Quote, Orders or Invoices was set by reading it from Customer. If there was no price list set for the customer, it would be left blank and the user would be required to set it manually. Price List is critical and needs to be… Read More »

Set Address using Lookup Address for locked Address fields in Dynamics CRM

Recently, we had a request, the request is like this, Bill-To address and Ship-To address on the Quote would be locked fields. This means, one way of setting the Bill-To and Ship-To is by using Lookup Address button. So, initially we thought it would be a Cakewalk. We wrote a script and called it on… Read More »

Apply Custom Filter on Lookup Field in Dynamics CRM using Script

Introduction: In this blog, we are going to see how to apply a custom filter to the lookup field using the JavaScript functions. Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows us to filter a lookup field on the form using the Fetch XML condition and “addPreSearch()“ method. Example: On the Contact Entity, there is a lookup field named… Read More »

Adding Custom Button on Security area in Dynamics CRM 2015

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Security area is introduced which contains entities such as Users, Security Roles and Teams which were present in Administration area in previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. In this blog we are going to show how we can add Custom Buttons on Application Ribbon of Security area through Ribbon Workbench.… Read More »