Set Values of all Data Types using Web API in Dynamics CRM Through C#

By | April 13, 2016


With the release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, Web API which was introduced offers a development experience across many devices, languages and platforms.

In this blog we will take a look at how to set the all the datatypes in the CRM using C# through a windows application and using Web API.

You may refer this blog for connecting the CRM through the Web API.

Sample code to create an Account Entity Record with all Data Types:

//Initialize the WebAPIHandler class on Load of the Form as seen below:

//Global Variable of Class WebApiHandler
WebApiHandler _webAPIHandler=null;
//Method which Waits for all of the provided Task objects(i.e. Start Method in our case) to complete execution
private void CRUD_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  Task.WaitAll(Task.Run(async () => await Start()));

private async Task Start()
  //Initialize the WebAPIHandler class
 webAPIHandler    = new WebApiHandler();

//Button click code which creates the Account record.
private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string recordId = string.Empty;

            //A Json Object used to create account record
            JObject account = null;

            //Request Uri to store the accounts path 
            string requestUri = "api/data/v8.0/accounts";

                //Get the Account Object
                account = CreateAccountRecordObject();

                //WebAPI Handler method call to Create Record
                recordId = _webAPIHandler.CreateRecord(account, requestUri);         
            catch (Exception err)

                throw new Exception(err.Message);


    	 /// <summary>
        /// Create Account Record Object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private JObject CreateAccountRecordObject()
            JObject account = null;
                account = new JObject();

                //String Value
                account["name"] = "Sid Test Co";//Account Name

                account["accountcategorycode"] = "2"; //Category : 1--> Preferred Customer, 2--> Standard

                //Two Options
                account["donotsendmm"] = false; //Marketing Materials : 0-->False/Send, 1-->True/Do Not Send

                //Whole number
                account["numberofemployees"] = 100;//Number of Employees

                //Custom Decimal Field
                account["new_creditrate"] = 2.25;//Decimal Number (Custom Field) 

                //Setting the Primary Contact
                account["primarycontactid@odata.bind"] = "/contacts(E15C03BA-10EC-E511-80E2-C4346BAD87C8)"; //Primary Contact

                //setting the Transaction Currency
                account["transactioncurrencyid@odata.bind"] = "/transactioncurrencies(63D588A2-10EC-E511-80E2-C4346BAD87C8)"; //Currency

                //Currency/Money Field
                account["creditlimit"] = 1000; //Currency Limit

                //Custom Date Only Field
                account["new_effectivedate"] = DateTime.Now; //Date Only (Custom Field)

            catch (Exception error)

                throw new Exception(error.Message);
            return account;

Sample code to create an Activity & set Activity Party:

/// <summary>
        /// To Create the Phone Call Record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnCreatePhoneCall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Request Uri to store the accounts path 
            string requestUri = "api/data/v8.0/phonecalls";
            string recordId = string.Empty;
                //Create Phone Call Object
                JObject phoneCall = CreatePhoneCall();
                //WebAPI Handler method call to Create Record
                recordId = _webAPIHandler.CreateRecord(phoneCall,requestUri);
            catch (Exception error)

                throw new Exception(error.Message);


        /// <summary>
        /// Create PhoneCall Object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private JObject CreatePhoneCall()
            //create activity party collection
            JArray parties = new JArray();

            //create JSON object 
            JObject jsonPhoneCall = new JObject();

                //set fields using JSON object
                //Single line of text
                jsonPhoneCall["subject"] = "Test Phone Call" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //Subject

                //Single line of text & format of phone 
                jsonPhoneCall["phonenumber"] = "4565898756"; //Phone Number

                //Multiple Line of Text
                jsonPhoneCall["description"] = "Phone Call Activity for Testing Purpose only...!"; //Description

                //Date and Time
                jsonPhoneCall["scheduledend"] = DateTime.Now; //Due

                jsonPhoneCall["regardingobjectid_account@odata.bind"] = "/accounts(4B47AA19-88F3-E511-80E6-C4346BACF5C0)"; //Regarding is an account

                //ActivityParty (From)
                JObject sender = new JObject();
                sender["partyid_systemuser@odata.bind"] = "/systemusers(2e68e212-c82d-4bc6-9493-fbd80204a763)";
                sender["participationtypemask"] = 1; //From

                //ActivityParty (To)
                JObject receiver1 = new JObject();
                receiver1["partyid_account@odata.bind"] = "/accounts(4B47AA19-88F3-E511-80E6-C4346BACF5C0)";
                receiver1["participationtypemask"] = 2; //To
                 JObject receiver2 = new JObject();
                receiver2["partyid_systemuser@odata.bind"] = "/systemusers(2e68e212-c82d-4bc6-9493-fbd80204a763)";
                receiver2["participationtypemask"] = 2; //From

                //Add this to collection

                //pass parties[] to phonecall_activity_parties
                jsonPhoneCall["phonecall_activity_parties"] = parties;

                //Whole Number
                jsonPhoneCall["actualdurationminutes"] = 25; //Duration

                //Two Options
                jsonPhoneCall["directioncode"] = true;//Direction : 0-->False/Incoming, 1-->True/Outgoing 
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new Exception(error.Message);

            return jsonPhoneCall;

The __webAPIHandler.CreateRecord() method is in WebApiHandler class.

It is as below:

   /// <summary>
   /// Method to Return the record ID after creating it in CRM
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="record"></param>
        /// <param name="requestUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string CreateRecord(JObject record, string requestUrl)
            string recordId = string.Empty;
                //Create HttpClient object to send and receive Http Requests and Response
                using (HttpClient httpClient = GetHttpClientObject())
                    //Http Request needed to be sent by the HttpClient
                    HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = GetHttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, requestUrl, record);

                    //Send the HttpRequest
                    Task<HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);

                    //Wait till the Response Execution is complete

                    //If the response is Successfully executed then it will return the value true
                    if (response.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        _recordUrl = response.Result.Headers.GetValues("OData-EntityId").FirstOrDefault();
                        splitRetrievedData = _recordUrl.Split('[', '(', ')', ']');

                        recordId = splitRetrievedData[1];

            catch (Exception error)

                throw new Exception(error.Message);

            return recordId;

For the methods GetHttpClientObject(),GetHttpRequestMessage you may refer this blog.

To get the JObject, JArray i.e Json Objects you need to add reference to the Newtonsoft.Json.You may add it through Nuget using this command Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json.


Hope the above code helps to set all the data types in Dynamics CRM.

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