Change Createdby/Modifiedby Field at Runtime in Dynamics CRM Plugin

By | August 26, 2016

Recently we came across a scenario where we were assigning CreatedBy and ModifiedBy field of the record that was created by plugin dynamically based on the data of the record that was getting created by plugin.

Let us say, my Contact entity that has field “new_createdby”, ”new_modifiedby” and its records are getting created by plugin. In our scenario if user wants to set “createdby/modifiedby” field dynamically based on the new_createdby/new_modifiedby field value while the records get created through plugin, then in that case below code will help you up in assigning createdby/modifiedby for the record dynamically based on the particular field value.

//get entity record for which plugin was fired
Entity _target = (Entity)pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"];

//check if portaluser name is to be obtained from custom createby or from custom modifiedby
if (pluginExecutionContext.MessageName.ToUpper() == "CREATE")
contactid = _target.Attributes.Contains("new_createdby") ? _target.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_createdby").Id : Guid.Empty;
contactid = _target.Attributes.Contains("new_modifiedby") ? _target.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_modifiedby").Id : Guid.Empty;

//retrieve contact fullname from contactid
var _contact = context.CreateQuery("contact").Where(c => c.GetAttributeValue<Guid>("contactid").Equals(contactid)).FirstOrDefault();

                if (_contact != null)
                    if (_contact.Attributes.Contains("fullname"))
                        fullname = _contact.GetAttributeValue<string>("fullname");

//retrieve Systemuser that has same name as that of new_portalcreatedby/ //new_portalmodifiedby
                    Entity _user = context.CreateQuery("systemuser").Where(e => e.GetAttributeValue<string>("fullname").Equals(fullname)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (_user != null)

                        //check if we need to update createdby or modifiedby
                        if (pluginExecutionContext.MessageName.ToUpper() == "CREATE")
                            _target["createdby"] = _user.ToEntityReference();
                            _target["modifiedby"] = _user.ToEntityReference();

                        //assign new target to plugin executioncontext
                        pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"] = _target;

This will help you to change createdby/modifiedby field at runtime in plugin.

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2 thoughts on “Change Createdby/Modifiedby Field at Runtime in Dynamics CRM Plugin

  1. parthiban

    Hello , I have tried to register my plugin in both pre validation & pre operation . but it dint work. can advice on this

    1. Inogic

      We tried the same by registering the plugin on PreOperation and it is working.

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